Scope and Context
This policy document provides information about how we will assure the quality of the assessments we make for CAA syllabuses we are approved to deliver. It should be read in conjunction with all other policies in this Quality Manual, particularly:
- Equality Policy
- Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Appeals Policy
- Complaints and Whistleblowing Policy
- Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy
Our commitment
We will adopt best practice principles of assessment including:
- Quality assured assessment systems and practices
- Standards based and criterion referenced assessment
- Monitoring and evaluation of assessment
- Appeal procedures
- Review and improvement mechanisms.
We will ensure:
- Our assessment design meets CAA syllabus requirements
- Our policies and practices support fair and consistent engagement with learners
- Our assessment decisions are accurate and consistent across assessors
- Our assessors are consistent in their interpretation and applications of CAA syllabuses
- We maintain a documentation audit trail to enable certification and distribution to learners
- We monitor, review, and evaluate our programmes, their delivery and assessment, for continuous improvement.
Assessment Planning
We will ensure that each programme will apply the following:
- Produce a coordinated assessment plan that includes assessment timings and ensures full coverage of assessment requirements whilst avoiding over-assessment
- Provide learners with opportunities for formative assessment which supports their learning
- Select assessment methods appropriate for the syllabi and registered learners.
- Use language and expressions appropriate to the needs of learners in all assessment materials
- Ensure that assessors are conversant with the content and standards that are required
- Have a planned approach to quality assurance, ensuring that all assessment materials are quality assured before presentation to learners.
Recognition of prior learning
Where it meets requirements of the syllabus, assessment processes recognise prior learning.
Making assessment decisions
We will ensure the following good practice principles apply:
- Sufficient authenticated evidence will be gathered upon which to make an assessment decision
- Assessment marking will be consistent/reliable across internal assessors
- Assessment decisions will be internally quality assured
- Accurate and reliable records of learner progress will be produced and maintained for certification claims
- A system will operate for learners wishing to appeal the outcome of an assessment.
A sampling assessment risk management strategy will be implemented which includes:
- Standardisation
- A process for monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the delivery and assessment from both learners and employers’ perspectives
- Accurate documentation showing a clear audit trail.
Providing feedback
We will ensure the following good practice principles apply:
- Assessment will be transparent and all relevant information will be made available to learners, prior to the assessment
- Processes are in place to ensure clear results are given to learners
- Constructive formative feedback as appropriate will be given to learners.
We will ensure that systems are in place for the secure recording, storing and accessing of learners’ assessment records.
Provision of resources
We will ensure that appropriate physical, technological, financial and human resources are available to support fair assessment and to cater for the needs of learners.
Learner roles
In order to meet our policy requirements for fair assessment, learners also have responsibilities. Learners will:
- Follow the required procedures for fair and consistent assessment.
- Engage with assessment information to ensure familiarity with requirements. including authentication, deadlines, standards etc.
- Request an alternative means of assessment if it is shown that the planned assessment method does not provide opportunity to demonstrate that s/he has reached the required standard.
- Appeal against assessment decision through the established procedures.