Aviation Security Training – Initial/Recurrent
Everyone who works in aviation has the responsibility to remain alert to the forever changing threat to aviation and uphold strict security measures to safeguard all airport workers, aircrew and passengers. Our aviation security course delivered by our UK CAA approved aviation security instructor will give you up to date information on all security requirements that aircrew should follow.
This course follows the new CAA National Aviation Security Framework which Livingstone Skies is a CAA registered training provider (number 183) In order to attend this training attendees must have gone through security and background checks in accordance with EU Regulation 185/2010 article 11.1.5
In compliance with:
*with exception of AMC1.ORO.GEN.110(a)(d)
Note: The operator will need to complete practical aircraft type specific training for Module 4 Searching and Checking of aircraft, to satisfy DfT requirements